INCIRCLE Project: exploring circular tourism on Aegina Island



Sunset on the water

Image by Civinet CY-EL

Tailor-made activity for circular tourism

This May, the Greek Region of Attica, alongside CIVINET Greece-Cyprus and the Municipality of Aegina, are hosting three days of tailor-made activities on circular tourism, organised as part of the INCIRCLE project.

This three-day event will be held on Aegina island from 13–15 May, and organised collaboratively with local stakeholders on the island. The event will, in particular, highlight and explore three main activities related to sustainable tourism: hiking, cycling, and the “Circular Tourism Strategy for the Islands Regional Unit of the Region of Attica (IRU-RoA).

  1. Hiking: The organisation Trace Your Eco will lead a hiking tour, trail restoration activity, and a discussion on the traditional trails of Aegina, drawing on their natural environment, the landscape, and the culture of the area. Trace Your Eco will coordinate the trail restoration activity in collaboration with specialised volunteers, and under the guidance of the local “Active Citizens of Aeginaassociation.
  2. Cycling: The CIVINET Greece-Cyprus will lead participants on a 10km cycling tour, organised in collaboration with bicycle businesses, and with local and regional cycling promotion organisations.
  3. Circular Tourism Strategy: CIVINET Greece-Cyprus, the Region of Attica, and the Municipality of Aegina will lead a discussion on this strategy, and will be joined by mobility, water, energy and waste experts. The Municipalities and the tourism stakeholders within the IRU-RoA will be invited to the discussion, and to all the actions throughout the three-day event. The discussion may also be available for online participation (to be confirmed).

This three-day event is taking place as part of the INCIRCLE project. For more information about the project, see here.

Author: CIVINET Greece-Cyprus

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