Integrated mobility centre

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Brno set up an Integrated Mobility Centre that provides transport and tourist information. The purpose of the centre is to provide a high-quality, one-stop customer service that enhances communication with customers.

Implementing sustainable mobility

Brno set up the Integrated Mobility Centre (IMC) as a pilot project close to the central intersection in the city centre where six tram and six trolley bus lines meet. It provides comprehensive information at the spot to citizens, visitors and residents of the ciyt of Brno and of the whole South Moravian region at large.

The main objectives of the measure were to:

  • Increased customer satisfaction, accessibility and attractiveness of the public transport network;
  • Raised awareness of sustainable mobility modes;
  • Increased public transport ticket sales; and
  • Reduced operational costs by exploiting synergies and innovative technology.

The IMC was a completely new service in terms of size and scope. A comparable offer is unprecedented in Brno and other cities in the South Moravian region. It was fitted with new touch-screen Internet information terminals and served as a test site for real-time passenger information panels. Customers can make use of payment by debit and credit card while buying tickets in the ticket vending machine.


Brno has begun the measure with the reconstruction of the area around Jostova Street where the IMC is located and has completed the construction of the building. Real-time passenger information panels (RTIPs) have been installed at public transport stops in the area. 


The measure continues after the end of the project.


Visit IMC website.




Final results:

  1. High number of visitors - According to the IMC monitoring it was visited by 9,320 clients from its opening in September 2011 till the end of August 2012. The IMC is visited equally by men and women and most of them are in adult age. Almost one fifth of the visitors are from foreign countries. 60% of all the questions these visitors raise are on transport. This proves the need for such services in the city of Brno.
  2. Fluctuating ticket sales in IMC - Average ticket sales in the IMC in 2012 amounted to 643 tickets per month. High sales in October 2011 indicate primarily interest of the passengers in the new type of the vending machines. On the other hand the relatively small sales in January and February are especially due to the changes of the tariff implemented at the beginning of the year 2012. Ticket sales in the IMC are approximately 0.05% of the total ticket sales, which shows that the assumptions regarding the ticket sales development had been overestimated. Therefore, the effect of the IMC vending machine on the ticket sales is too small to be clearly determined, as there were other determining factors which had been out of control of the consortium.

There are actually more people coming to IMC in search of information than just to buy their tickets, suggesting that there had been a demand for this kind of service in Brno.



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