CIVINET CY-EL and Eltis training hones Greek and Cypriot mobility minds

A recent training event from CIVINET Cyprus-Greece (CY-EL) and Eltis gathered 50 participants in Thessaloniki, Greece, from 1-2 April for two days of intense learning and exchange.

The participants came from diverse backgrounds, including local authorities, the CIVITAS Political Advisory Committee, and a plethora of other mobility stakeholders. Together, they debated some of the most urgent topics in mobility.

The first day was kicked off by CIVINET CY-EL. Kosmas Anagnostopoulos, the network's coordinator, talked about its first year, the barriers it has overcome, and the hard work being done to promote inclusive sustainable mobility in the two countries.

Next up was Eltis. Represented by Claus Köllinger and Robert Pressl, they gave an inspiring presentation on how participatory planning can be a catalyst for real change within sustainable mobility planning.

Vivian Doumpa from STIPO followed suit, giving numerous examples of successful citizen engagement in low-cost interventions. Stella Zountsa, Major Development Agency of Thessaloniki, talked about REMEDIO, an Interreg MED project focused on revitalising mixed-use urban communities with heavy congestion, and how it has helped embed participatory processes in its cities.

The second day focused on active travel. The Eltis team took the lead with presentations and discussions on active transport modes, focusing on how three European cities have managed to encourage walking and cycling and deal with the challenges arising from this process.

The second half of both days saw participants working in groups to gain first-hand experience of using participatory planning techniques for the implementation of sustainable mobility–related policies.

CIVINET CY-EL is the Greek-speaking branch of the CIVITAS Forum Network, as well as the Eltis National Multiplier for Greece and Cyprus.

Feel inspired? Then watch a video of the training here.


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