Local authority members invited to AGM 2016

Local authority members of CIVINET UK & Ireland are invited to the Annual General Meeting (AGM),  including lunch and tour of local sustainable transport measures. The AGM will be held from 12.30-16.30 on Wednesday 22 June 2016, hosted by Bournemouth Borough Council.

Local authority members of CIVINET UK & Ireland are invited to an Annual General Meeting (AGM) of CIVINET UK & Ireland, including lunch and site visit.  Thank you to Bournemouth Borough Council for hosting this.   The meeting will be held on Wednesday 22 June 2016, with the following format:

  • 1230 – 1430  AGM, including working lunch, followed by short Management Committee meeting. The location is the Hilton Hotel.  

  • 1430 – 1630  tour of local sustainable transport measures, covering an award winning public realm scheme and travel interchange, both supported via LSTF, and a Danish style segregated cycle lane with floating bus stops. Transport will be provided.

The AGM will elect the Management Committee and the newly elected Committee will meet immediately afterwards.  Any local authority member of the Network may be nominated for election to the Committee.

All local authority members of CIVINET UK & Ireland have received an email invite to the AGM, which includes the agenda. To confirm your attendance, please email civinet-uk-ireland [at] civitas [dot] eu (.)

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