RECIPROCITY: New mobility project to foster the replication of innovative mobility concepts across Europe

Screenshot from recent (online) RECIPROCITY workshop

Initiated in February 2021, the RECIPROCITY project aims to help transform European cities to be climate-resilient and connected multimodal nodes for smart and clean mobility. The project will do this using an innovative four-stage replication approach – spanning identifying the right solutions, learning how to put them into action, accelerating their implementation, and sharing lessons learnt – which will equip over 20 cities with the necessary tools and knowledge to reach this ambitious vision. To this end, the project will organise a series of knowledge exchange activities including workshops, webinars, 1-to-1 learning sessions, as well as site visits in pioneering cities. 

To kick off these activities, on June 10, RECIPROCITY organised its first public workshop, which explored “Smart Mobility: What is the importance of ‘smart cities’ in Europe today?”. This virtual meeting was a great opportunity for over 180 mobility stakeholders to learn about RECIPROCITY and the support it can provide, to interact with their peers, as well as to meet useful contacts from the mobility and energy communities.

Of particular note, the workshop presented initial results from RECIPROCITY’s latest survey on Smart Mobility. The objective of this survey, which is still open, is to better understand the smart mobility ecosystems in EU cities and municipalities, and local areas’ associated needs. Your opinion counts! Share your perspective on smart mobility by responding to the survey at this link.

In the coming weeks, RECIPROCITY will build upon this public workshop by organising local mobility workshops in Austria (1 July), the Czech Republic (17 June), Finland (22 June), France (30 June), Spain (17 June) and Turkey (30 June). The first local mobility workshop already took place in Germany. These workshops will be held in local languages.

Should you wish to take part in one of the aforementioned workshops or get more information about them, please contact the project via: m [dot] stroleny [at] greenovate-europe [dot] eu

For more information about the project, its upcoming activities, as well as to access results and knowledge arising from RECIPROCITY, regularly visit the project’s (new!) website: The project is also active on LinkedIn and Twitter, and encourages all interested readers to follow progress there.

Author: Marisol Castro Rey


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