Nizhyn (Ukraine)

Nizhyn is a town located in Chernihiv Oblast of the Northern Ukraine, 150 km from Kyiv, along the Oster River. It is one of the most ancient cities in Ukraine as the earliest known references to the location go back to 1147.

Nizhyn is a town of nearly 70 986 inhabitants, located in Chernigiv Oblast of northern Ukraine. The city is located 150 km north of Kyiv and well known for ancient architect heritage and history. The architectural complex forms an expressive ensemble of an ancient trade city. The experts' estimates more than 300 ancient buildings, where 70 are of a great cultural and historical value. Nowadays, there are 14 companies and firms specialize in engineering, food, medicine and others.

Unfortunately, there is no municipal passenger transport in Nizhyn, and only 4 private carriers operate there. The public transport system in Nizhyn consists of 104 buses and micro-buses, that carry passengers on 14 routes. The car ownership rate is 278/1,000 inhabitants. Therefore, the city defied following transport goals: introduce public transport, develop traffic schedule and build cycling lanes.


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