Calling all urban mobility professionals - help future-proof mobility education via the CIVITAS survey!


Man looks at plans at a desk

Image from Unsplash by ThisisEngineering RAEng

What do urban planning practitioners need in terms of skills and training? The CIVITAS Secretariat has launched a survey to find out!

To tackle the urban mobility challenges of today and tomorrow, planning authorities and urban mobility professionals are in need of staff who possess certain hard and soft skills. In addition to traditional knowledge and skills about traffic and mobility, educational curricula and training opportunities are needed that reflect requirements of the current and future labour market. The European Year of Skills (2023) places skill development on centre stage. A future-proof education is needed to tackle the challenges regarding missing skills, knowledge and staff in the European urban mobility sector.

With this in mind, the CIVITAS Secretariat has launched a survey that seeks to obtain insight into the required knowledge and skills of urban mobility professionals, both today and tomorrow. To help the team better understand these needs, urban mobility practitioners are invited to fill in this short survey. Urban mobility professionals working at or for urban planning authorities, e.g., representatives of local, regional, national and European authorities, consultancies, knowledge and research institutes, civil society/ NGOs and industry are specifically invited to respond to the survey.  If you have any questions, please get in touch with Uli Lerche: u.lerche[at]

This survey forms part of the CIVITAS Coordination and Support Action CIVITAS MUSE, and will be shared on the CIVITAS website.

Survey submissions will be accepted until 8 September 2023. Thank you for your involvement!


Author: Uli Lerche

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