Car Sharing in Perugia

Basic Information

Mobility solution ID



- complete

Thematic areas

Active mobility
  • Walking
  • Cycling

Collective passenger transport & shared mobility
  • Service improvements


Perugia Municipality wants to get clear results from the research, able to indicate the pathway for the development and implement of a car sharing service in Perugia.

Implementing sustainable mobility

The Measure has produced a business methodology and operative strategy for the implementation of Car Sharing service in Perugia. The implementation consists of a structured desk research, at Italian and EU level, definition of the potential users through the local survey, definition of the policy to follow in order at the developing of the car sharing approach and, finally, development of the tailored car sharing business plan. The feasibility study for a car sharing scheme in Perugia has been up-scaled to a full system implementation and all the preparatory actions needed for selecting car sharing service provider (administrator) have been implemented. To ensure the principles of transparency, appropriate advertising, non-discrimination, equal treatment, mutual recognition and proportionality, Perugia Municipality decided to select car sharing administrator by a competitive procedure, after notice publication. On the basis of the peculiarity and complexity of the requested performance, the criterion of the most economically advantageous tender has been chosen. Tender’s documents have been produced and the tender has been launched. The procedures to select car sharing administrator are under finalization. The measure has been disseminated through specific dissemination channel, mainly at the city level. Perugia Municipality has presented by different communication channels the city’s strategy regarding sustainable mobility, presenting car sharing as a sustainable mobility solution to be implemented in the near future.

The overall objective is to conduct research and development to establish a car club comprising a fleet of cars located in special parking areas across Perugia. The aim is to spread this new concept of transport mode able to decrease own car dependence, improve economic benefits as well as decrease environmental impacts generated from traffic congestion. The main innovative aspect is connected at the new concept the “pay as you use”: users, paying a membership fee, can use a pool of vehicles of different characteristics paying pro-rata for the time and distance.


There are a number of important measures aimed at cleaner mobility in Perugia. Among them, there are plans to establish a “car club” in the city, setting up a car sharing service for the urban area. Car Sharing is a neighbourhood-based transport service that allows people to use a car when needed, without the costs and responsibilities of ownership. It converts car use from a product to a service, providing people with use of a car instead of ownership. The Perugia Car Sharing aims to compete especially against the second car and to be integrated with the public transport offering a higher level of flexibility and comfort compared to traditional public transport. It is intended to be a valid alterative to owning a car offering a new model of personal mobility with the characteristics of a public service.


Complete analysis of the Perugia Car Sharing demand side has been developed. Car Sharing supply side to reflect the outcomes of the local demand has been defined. The supply side analysis has been integrated with the demand side analysis to achieve a complete implementation model of car sharing service. All legal-administrative documents for the tender have been defined as well as the call for tender has been published. Having received no bids, Perugia Municipality is considering the opportunity to move towards a negotiated procedure with the companies which have showed interest in car sharing setting up. Perugia Car Sharing is expected leading to reduce private vehicles circulating and to improve environmental impacts over the medium term.


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