Eco-driving training for hospital employees

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Eco-driving is a way to minimise fuel consumption by more efficient driving techniques, and driver training demonstrates how economic and environmental benefits can go hand in hand. Photo: Mats Persson

Implementing sustainable mobility

By way of follow-up to a successful pilot eco-driving training course implemented at the University Hospital in 2002, all members of staff driving more than 5,000 km a year on work-related trips (around 120 employees, or 2 percent of the total staff of 6,000) were offered a course in economic driving skills. The aim was to reduce the environmental impacts of their travel by cutting fuel consumption.


In the initial stage of the project, negotiations took place with driving schools and information about the forthcoming eco-driving course was disseminated among hospital employees. Training sessions took place between spring 2008 and January 2009 for more than 100 members of staff.


The measure failed to train as many staff as originally intended due to budget constraints and difficulties in attracting participants (around 100 rather than the original plan of 300).

Fuel consumption by the hospital transport department fell by 4.7 percent (126 litres) in September-November 2008 compared to February-April 2008. Among non-transport hospital employees, the reduction over the same period was 464 litres, or around 7 percent. However, these results are only meaningful if the positive effects of the eco-driving training course can be maintained in future years.


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