Introducing demand-responsive transport

Basic Information

Mobility solution ID



- complete




The provision of lower-frequency demand-responsive services can encourage public transport use among target groups in areas with a low population density.

Implementing sustainable mobility

Inhabitants of outlying, rural areas that are not well served by public transport routes risk social exclusion unless services are developed that cater for their specific needs. The main objective of this measure was therefore to develop lower-frequency services to promote bus use as an alternative to the private car. The new service would have a semi-fixed timetable with the ability to deviate off-route, providing local links in rural areas.



Extensive studies were undertaken and the service was launched in August 2007, following the purchase of a vehicle and the training of drivers. Between 500 and 600 passengers are carried monthly. 


The key results for the demand-responsive transport service in Preston included high customer satisfaction with the service and its improvements over the previous offer. Passengers were also satisfied with the information provided for the service.

This fact sheet has been updated by a third party on the basis of available information (not by the city itself), therefore we do not guarantee any data with respect to their content, completeness or up-to-dateness.


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