Making road network data more accessible

Basic Information

Mobility solution ID



- complete

Thematic areas

Smart, Sustainable, Connected and Shared mobility
  • Real-time road-user information
  • ITS-based enhancement of public transport
  • ITS for traffic


Combining data previously stored in several different databases enabled information to be presented to passengers in a more user friendly format.

Implementing sustainable mobility

Prior to measure implementation, the City of Stockholm had large volumes of data stored in separate databases, which were used by a limited number of people for specific tasks. Accessibility was poor, and the data were difficult to share and use efficiently for analysis or other purposes.

The Swedish standard for digital road and railway networks was used in Stockholm to build an information platform that would facilitate data sharing and integration among separate existing or new systems handling road or traffic data, rather than leaving each system to implement its own technique for adhering to the Swedish standard.

The ultimate objective was to reduce congestion and improve mobility by providing easy access to high-quality network data.


The work of connecting different data sources and databases to the digital road network was planned to last for several years, due to the need to collect data from a variety of sources. About 270 different types of information of interest were listed, divided into four main categories: technical information (road width, permitted loads, lighting, signposting); administrative information (speed limits, one-way streets, parking spaces, snow management); historical information (traffic flows, type of traffic, accidents, environmental influences); and dynamic information (road condition, journey times, hold-ups, weather conditions).

Using these data sets together made it possible to provide information on:

  • travel routes and actual traffic conditions;
  • the actual and planned status of snow management and road maintenance;
  • parking spaces for disabled drivers or available parking spaces close to a given location; and
  • speed limits and other information based on GPS position.


Creating a digital road network does not in itself offer any positive environmental impacts, although improved access to integrated information facilitates the operations of traffic services and enables better traffic planning. Information on alternative routes and transport modes that result in more efficient mobility can therefore produce environmental benefits.

The overall objectives of this measure were fulfilled. The digital database was developed and a vast amount of information was linked to a geographic digital road network. The process of linking further information from other systems to the new database continued beyond the project period, thus there was not sufficient time within TRENDSETTER to develop an external interface. However, following measure implementation it was possible to export data to external users and the testing of this possibility was carried out, for example the exporting of data to the Swedish National Digital Database and to projects using digital speed limits (intelligent speed adaptation). Everyone requesting data received it from the database developed within the TRENDSETTER project.


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