Travel information telephone service

Basic Information

Mobility solution ID



- complete





Thematic areas

Behavioural change & mobility management
  • Mobility marketing and awareness raising
  • Mobility Planning


Prior to the measure there was no easy way for passengers to access information on public transport before or during their journey in Iasi. This lack of knowledge acted as a barrier to public transport use. The 'telverde' service addressed this problem.

Implementing sustainable mobility

Iasi aimed to improve the quality and reliability of their public transport services through a dedicated ‘telverde’ telephone service. This service chose the optimal travel route, which could include using several different transport vehicles, for passengers, ultimately aiming to:

  • Provide information and promote the public transport travel plan measures; and
  • Increase the quality of transport service to all citizens.

A telephone line was implemented that connects citizens with a dispatching centre, which offers information about the available transport plans.


In February 2010, the public transport company PTI established a “telverde” telephone line that connects citizens with a public transport dispatching centre, offering information about public transport services. The measure has been completed.


The quality of service indicator shows an increase tendency of percentage of citizens satisfied with the service, from 10% in 2011, to 21% in 2012. Based on promotional materials, more people heard about free telephone service, which is reflected in the development of the awareness level indicator that increased to 31% in 2012, compared to 20% in 2011. The surveys also revealed that 39% of citizens used “toll-free” telephone service in 2012, compared to 26% registered in 2011. Analyzing the statistics offered by the company who provided this telephone service, we notice a very high number of phone calls, each year, 7212 in 2010, 6944 in 2011 and 3006 within January – June, 2012.


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