4th Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan Award launched

Following this month's EUROPEAN MOBILITY WEEK, the EU is now launching the 4th Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) Award, as part of the DO THE RIGHT MIX campaign.

The SUMP Award recognises local authorities that have demonstrated excellence in this year's EUROPEAN MOBILITY WEEK theme of 'multimodality' where citizens can choose, change and combine their modes of transport.

An expert jury will evaluate the applications. Up to ten shortlisted applicants will be invited to attend the joint EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK and the SUMP Award Ceremony, which takes place in March 2016 in Brussels.

Apply until 13 November:

Applications are being accepted until 13 November 2015 on theĀ campaign's website, where further information about eligibility and evaluation is available.

Read more.

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