Availability of e-car sharing for business trips makes Aachen-employees less likely to get to work by private car

Since February 2016, employees of the city of Aachen working in the historic town hall have access to an electric driven Smart ED. The vehicle can be booked by telephone, internet or smartphone app via the carSharing-Software of the Dyn@mo-Partner cambio. More than 30 users - one of them Lord Mayor Marcel Philipp - are now able to gain experience with electric vehicles in their daily job.

At the municipal Department for Children, Adolescents and Schools a similar project started in February. Here, it is not anymore allowed to use private cars for business trips. Instead the employees have the option to use vehicles of the city administration’s new carsharing facility for their work travels if this is a more convenient mode of transport than public transport or the bicycle. Two electric cars (“E-Smart”) and one car with conventional drive technology (“Ford Focus”) are available. It is expected that employees will be more likely to choose for alternative forms of transportation for their commute than the own car. The argument “I have to go to work by car because I have to use it for business trips” will no longer apply.

This pilot project has been co-financed by the CIVITAS DYN@MO project.

Author: Axel Costard




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