Bicycle bin pilot in Ghent

CIVITAS Initiative

Recently, seven bicycle bins have been installed in densely populated neighbourhoods in Gent. Alderman of mobility, De Regge, handed the key over to the first tenant at a well attended press conference. The pilot runs for a period of six months and will be evaluated in June 2011. The project aims to prove the usefulness and value of such ‘bicycle garages’.

What is a bicycle bin?A bicycle bin is a covered bike rack for five to six bicycles. It is placed in a public domain and is about the size of a car parking place. A bicycle bin looks a bit like an old fashioned bread bin, hence the name. They are already quite popular in The Netherlands and can be found in all kinds of colours and materials such as wood, metal and synthetic materials. It is a loose construction that can be secured to the ground easily. Parking your bicycleThe bicycle use in Gent increases year by year. This is certainly excellent news, but every issue has two sides. The question raised is: where to park all those bikes? The City of Gent is continuously looking for new parking facilities, particularly in neighbourhoods with a dense population. A lot of older houses do not have the option to park bikes indoors or in a garage. Perhaps this new bike bin can be part of the solution.A six months trialWithin the CIVITAS project seven bicycle bins are installed in seven different streets. After a short subscription period, all bins were rented to people who live in the vicinity of the bins. The rent is kept low intentionally, only EUR 25 for a trial period of at least six months. Tenants will be invited to give their opinion to evaluate the project. It would be an extra asset to the Gent cycle policy if this particular way of bicycle parking could be introduced throughout the entire city.

Author: Ellen Reznor



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