CIVINET Czech and Slovak Republics events in Slovakia explore mobility innovation and data use

Group Picture of the Trnava Seminar Participants

Image by CIVINET Czech and Slovak Republics Secretariat

CIVINET Czech and Slovak Republics organized two events in Slovakia during the last week of March 2024. The events took the form of workshops and served as hubs for exploring innovations in urban mobility and leveraging data to support active mobility.

One of the workshops, co-organised by EIT Urban Mobility and the Metropolitan Institute of Bratislava, took place in Bratislava. The event, which offered a rich programme that combined informative presentations with practical insights into urban mobility, attracted around fifty representatives from Slovak and Czech cities, regions, NGOs, and mobility-focused businesses.

During the event, participants went on a cycling tour led by the Metropolitan Institute of Bratislava, and thereby gained first-hand knowledge of initiatives that enhance public spaces and sustainable transport infrastructure. A welcome presentation was given by Petra Marko, Director of the Metropolitan Institute Bratislava, and participants had an opportunity to hear more about the city's vision for the future. Participants then delved into the world of innovation by learning more about a number of Slovak and Czech startups and their innovative technologies, solutions and services in the EIT Urban Mobility Showroom, followed by networking opportunities. 

The following day, a CIVINET seminar, with a focus on data collection and use in supporting active mobility and sustainable transport, was held in Trnava. Over sixty stakeholders, including municipal and regional authorities and associations, participated in the discussions and presentations. The seminar focused on practical applications, with examples ranging from participatory data collection tools to big data analyses and the pragmatic potential of data from cycling campaigns. Speakers shared insights on utilising data to improve cycling infrastructure, enhance traffic safety around schools, and support advocacy for policy decisions. The seminar culminated in a cycling tour that highlighted Trnava's infrastructure and allowed participants to witness first-hand the city's commitment to active mobility.

Both events underscored the importance of innovation and data-driven approaches in advancing sustainable urban mobility. They provided valuable platforms for networking, knowledge exchange, and inspiration, empowering cities and stakeholders on their journey toward achieving climate neutrality and improving quality of life. The positive feedback and the collective energy of and interaction from participants only underlined a shared commitment to promoting sustainable urban mobility initiatives in their communities.

Author: CIVINET Czech and Slovak Republics


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