IMS - Information for Mobility Support

CIVITAS Initiative

In the scope of Porto’s participation in CIVITAS ELAN, local project partners are working on an innovative measure - Mobile Mobility Information - that hopefully will increase the level of mobility information in the Asprela area in Porto. The local partner OPT is working hand in hand with the transport operators (METRO, STCP and ANTROP) to develop an innovative decision support tool for mobility in public transport that helps people to plan and decide on their trips, based on real time information.

Such a tool and information will be available on mobile phones or other geo-referenced mobile equipment, and desktop web browsers, allowing the user to select the best combination of transportation from the place of departure, which may not be the current location.Information will also be available on LCD displays placed in high places inside some institutions (such as hospitals, faculties, public transport stations, etc.), showing a map of the surrounding area with relevant information such as timetables, lines, destinations, stops and waiting times.The main objectives of this system are:• To integrate real time information of several public transport operators working in the metropolitan area, keeping the consistency among all the geo-referenced information;• To adapt the usage of planning algorithms to a dynamic situation in real time, indicating the quality attributes associated with several proposals;• To offer to the users mobile and fixed devices with GIS applications of intuitive usage to support their mobility needs.



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