Last places available to join the first CIVITAS study visit in Zagreb

Are you interested in learning more about successful cycling projects? Do you want to share your experience on car-independent lifestyles?

Hurry up, few places are still available to join the first CIVITAS study visit in Zagreb!

The city of Zagreb will be hosting the first CIVITAS study visit from 24th to 26th May in the framework of the CIVITAS peer to peer learning programme.

During two days, the visiting cities will discover several interesting cycling projects, such as the greenway project, cycling tourism in the city, as well as the bike-on-bus and public bikes projects. The host will also present some tools to promote cycling in your city and will discuss law and rules governing cycling infrastructures. For more information, please consult the draft agenda enclosed.

The participation is free of charge, no financial support is available.

The places are limited and we invite you to express your interest as soon as possible by getting in contact with Melanie Leroy (melanie [dot] leroy [at] eurocities [dot] eu) and Matilde Chinellato (Matilde [dot] chinellato [at] eurocities [dot] eu).

Author: Matilde Chinellato



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