New identification products in Suceava

CIVITAS Initiative

The dissemination team is eager to ensure their dissemination modes become more varied and eye-catching: they have successfully promoted new environmental concepts by using news publicity signs and by finding the most appropriate methods of offering real time information through the most appropriate means in order to reach the greatest number of citizens.

In this respect, Suceava produced traffic signposts along the roadside that mark the 8 Eco-routes operated by the LTC new buses fleet. In addition, the introduction of “Eco-routes” and “Eco-driving” concepts were promoted in workshops and training events organised in schools as well as for the LTC bus driver’s group. The traffic signs were successful in raising citizens’ awareness of the City Hall’s practical solutions implemented within CIVITAS SMILE, designed to ensure environmental protection. The “Eco-route” (Ruta ecologica) concept is in the middle of the board, surrounded by information regarding the actors and background information on how the implementation was achieved. The fact that these traffic signs are located alongside the main routes of Suceava city gives a large proportion of citizens the opportunity to read this information and to be made aware of the CIVITAS SMILE project. The Dissemination Team also realised that the new LTC buses travelling around the city provided an excellent promotional opportunity, especially for private car drivers who rarely (or never) use public transport. The team therefore designed and produced a wide sticker promoting the project and its financers. These stickers were attached to the back of the 15 LPG converted buses that are part of the CIVITAS SMILE project. Through this initiative, the LPG fuelled buses are clearly recognizable and they also promote the CIVITAS SMILE measure.. This dissemination product is very efficient as it is visible to all citizens, especially those in the traffic in the Suceava city.

Author: Narcisa Nenec



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