New publications to support and inspire more sustainable urban mobility

CIVITAS Initiative

Six publications and forty city case studies have just been published to support and inspire more sustainable urban mobility in cities and towns in Europe and beyond.

Since the CIVITAS Initiative began in 2002, over 800 potential and actual transport and mobility solutions have been explored and evaluated in nearly 70 cities. The goal in all cases has been the same — to discover concrete means that cities can use to make transport not only cleaner, but better.

Based on the results generated by the 25 cities that participated in CIVITAS from 2008 to 2012, these publications tell their story of their experiences in implementing sustainable mobility measures, as well as reflections on lessons learned. Recommendations are made for other cities thinking of taking up the challenge.

CIVITAS Plus in Numbers highlights key results from the 25 CIVITAS Plus cities. This short publication showcases 48 measures carried out by the CIVITAS Plus cities in a brief and to-the-point manner.

Innovative Urban Transport Solutions – CIVITAS makes the difference is intended as a critical review of the transport measures that were developed and implemented during the CIVITAS Plus. Taking a thematic approach, measures are reviewed and a set of recommendations, focusing on concrete examples, is given for each.

The CIVITAS Measure Directory highlights the achievements of the Initiative from 2002-2012 and gives offline access to the details of 663 measures for sustainable urban mobility.

Living Laboratories: 10 Years of CIVITAS from Aalborg to Zagrebpresents to readers the experimental and innovative side of CIVITAS, providing background information to illustrate each city’s particular context, as well as facts and figures on what they have achieved.

Policy Recommendations for EU Sustainable Mobility Concepts presents the main findings arising from the evaluation of the five CIVITAS Plus projects in the context of current and future policy making.

Everyone’s a Winner - The First Ten Years of the CIVITAS Awards charts the growing prestige of the CIVITAS Initiative’s Awards over 10 years, from 2004 to 2013, and, more importantly, puts the spotlight on the winning cities and their achievements (it is obviously a useful tool for future applicants too)!

Finally, 40 city case studies on concrete measure implementation have also been released. The examples presented document each city’s experience with a particular measure or thematic area. The case studies can be found on each city page of the cities that took part in CIVITAS between 2008-2012. Choose a city, then simply take a look in the Related Documents > Results Publication section.

We invite you to explore these publications and share them with your colleagues and local political representatives, so that they too can get a taste of what can be done to make transport in cities not only cleaner, but better.

A limited number of hard copies of the five printed publications are available upon request from the CIVITAS Secretariat [secretariat [at] civitas [dot] eu].

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