New YouTube channel of the CIVITAS DYN@MO project and the Transport Department of Palma

The CIVITAS DYN@MO project and the Transport Department of Palma have opened the Mobipalma Youtube channel to publicize the activities carried out and to provide advice and training to the public on aspects of sustainable mobility.

Here is the link to access the contents of the canal, including a video of the European Mobility Week which summarizes the actions that were carried out from 16 to 22 September 2015. In addition, there is a series of short videos that offer tips for good maintenance of the bicycle like how to change the handlebars and the chain or how to repair punctures. You can also find the CIVITAS DYN@MO promotional video.

The Councilor for Mobility, Joan Ferrer, explained that this new channel has "an educational vocation." "The main goal is to show the activities that are being done and explained the various measures being implemented in the field of sustainable mobility in Palma", in the words of Mr. Ferrer.

Author: Stéphanie Ah Tchou



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