Opportunity to develop new CIVINETs through CIVITAS Activity Fund

CIVITAS Initiative

A new call has just opened for organisations who are interested in setting up a new CIVITAS National Network.

A new call has just opened for organisations who are interested in setting up a new CIVITAS National Network in a country or countries not yet covered by the networks. The CIVINETs promote the CIVITAS approach at a local level, overcoming language and contextual barriers for local authorities and organisations interested in urban sustainable mobility.

The call invites organisations to apply for up to € 6,000 to coordinate and launch a new CIVINET. The first tasks for new CIVINETs would be developing a plan for a launch event, drafting provisional one-year plan of activities and a possible structure and membership policy, and finding potential cities who would be interested in becoming members.

Activities laid out in the first year plan can be funded under future Activity Fund calls. The current CIVINETs cover the UK & Ireland, Francophone countries, German-speaking countries, the Netherlands and Flanders, Spain and Portugal, Italy, Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, and Slovenia and Croatia.

For more information about the new call, visit the Activity Fund page.

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