Park & Ride goes to school in Funchal

CIVITAS Initiative

The Park & Ride Goes to School campaign will be the headliner at this year’s Funchal’s European Mobility Week in September. Two new public transport bus routes will be added to the Park & Ride Scheme, linking Funchal’s main schools with the Park & Ride carparks. Encouraging more parents to leave their cars on the outkskirts of the town, it will allow for families to enter and leave the city quickly, cheaply and comfortably.

This new service is especially designed to provide families living far from PT network lines with easier access to the PT network. Not only will this allow quicker access to enter and leave Funchal reducing commuting time but it also helps working families on increasingly stricter financial budgets. The European Mobility Week is the perfect platform to promote co-modality options and ensure that the PT school service is successfully disseminated. Citizen engagement of this kind will continue through the months of September and October as Funchal gears up for the CIVITAS FORUM festivities.



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