Presentations and recording of the CIVITAS webinar on SUMPs are now available

On the 6th May 2015, a webinar was organized by by the CIVITAS Integrated Planning Thematic Group to debate on the methodology to develop a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan for regions with a polycentric or cross-border profile.

First, the Poly-SUMP methodology for urban mobility planning in complex regions was presented. Then, two different experiences from cities and regions of the CIVITAS Forum Network were offered: Thessaloniki and Central Macedonia (EL), Nova Gorica (SI) and Gorizia (IT) provided an outlook on the challenges and potentials of planning mobility respectively on a polycentric and cross-border region.

With more than 50 participants, the webinar has been quite successful, also in terms of discussion, questions and interest by the audience.

The presentations are available at the event webpage, while the recording is available here.

If you have further questions, do not hesitate and contact us!


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