Register for the Annual Conference of CIVITAS - the EU’s Largest Initiative on Urban Mobility

CIVITAS Initiative

Registration has opened for the 2010 CIVITAS Forum Conference, the annual get-together of participants in Europe’s largest initiative on sustainable urban transport. This year’s conference will be hosted by the city of Malmö, Sweden, September 27-29.

Malmö is the ideal location for an exchange of ideas and experiences and for witnessing best practice examples on site. The Forum Conference itself is a valuable opportunity for dialogue between experts and politicians from the more than 180 cities of the CIVITAS network as well as key European decision makers. The registration deadline is September 3. To register, please click here.For more information on the CIVITAS Forum Conference 2010 in Malmö, and the preliminary programme, please proceed to the CIVITAS Forum Conference 2010 website.For further information, email the CIVITAS Secretariat

Author: CIVITAS Secretariat

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