Shuttle Bus in Aalborg - green and free

The free shuttle bus transported more than 10,000 passengers during the summer in Aalborg. The bus route was a roundtrip covering the central part of Aalborg, including the harbour front and several tourist attractions.

During the bus trip, a host provided information and facts about Aalborg and about green transport. On average, the shuttle bus had more than 1,000 passengers per week. The passengers were given the opportunity to experience the city in a different way and to learn about sustainable transport. Evaluation surveys showed that around half of the passengers live or work in Aalborg, while the rest was visitors and tourist. The shuttle bus service was a repeated success - in summer 2010, the shuttle bus was a hybrid bus. In 2011, the shuttle bus was a biodiesel bus. Since October 2010 half of all the city buses have run on 10 percent biodiesel. To test higher percents during summer months, the shuttle bus ran on a 30 percent biodiesel blend. The experiment was successful, since the shuttle bus didnĀ“t have any problems with this higher percent blend.

Author: Friis Gustav



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