SUCCESS Exhibition in the European Parliament

CIVITAS Initiative

The launch of the CIVITAS SUCCESS project Exhibition in the European Parliament is an event of great interest in the framework of project activities awareness. With the participation of prominent characters whose words have a meaning even for the average person, the exhibition had o key dissemination part to play.

This event was the perfect opportunity for promotion events and practice exchange to be made having even greater success as it was hosted by Mr. Brian Simpson, member of the European Parliament for the North West of England. With participants like Mrs. Jean Yates, chairman of the CIVITAS Policy Advisory Committee, Mr. Emil Calota, mayor of Ploiesti and also a PAC member, councilors, implementation staff, technically trained members the impact was most satisfying. Any interested person was given in this way the chance to better knowledge of what European projects are, what they mean, what projects have been and are successfully implemented and how they change the city life. European Commission, POLIS, UITP, FNTR and Eurocities representatives were also present and expressed their interest in details over all aspects of the project life. Such meetings are always welcome as they play a significant role in the awareness campaigns that have to be held in the whole Europe as people need to be informed of how their lives could become healthier and even happier.



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