Sustainable Mobility Week mobilises citizens of Vitoria-Gasteiz

CIVITAS Initiative

Thousands of people took part in Sustainable Mobility Week held in Vitoria-Gasteiz last September. There were several activities, not only within the Car Free Day on 22 September, but also during all the previous week. Up to 9,437 citizens participated in the programme of activities.

2010 Mobility Week in Vitoria-Gasteiz focused on the mobility by bicycle. Several activities from 16 - 22 September were developed with the motto “Smarter trips, better lives”. Mobility Week in the neighbourhoods shared the bike promotion policies with the citizens by way of specify activities:On 18 September 80 cyclists took part in the III Marcha Olaguibel', a technical visit where the participants knew about the characteristics of several sustainable buildings in Vitoria-Gasteiz.During the week, 45 adults and older citizens learned how to ride a bike.On 16, 17, 21 and 22 September 690 students from four schools and users of the civic centres took part in activities related to the use of the bicycle.On 17 and 20 September there were two meetings in which citizens and advocacy groups debated the role of the bicycle on the health and the role of the bicycle in the city’s mobility.European Car Free Day, “In Town...Without My Car!”, was held on 22 September in the recently reclaimed Sancho el Sabio pedestrian area (S-14 Super-Block). This way Mobility Week returned to the same place two years ago was closed to the traffic as the demonstrative measure for the Car Free Day 2008. The programme for this day included dialogues about sustainable mobility, e-mobility (e-bikes and e-cars) exhibition, stands with information about the bicycle registration system, the bicycle route planner, the public transport network, cycling and health and a road safety circuit for children.

Author: Juan Carlos Escudero



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