Test of Voice Information System in Krakow

CIVITAS Initiative

Within the CiViTAS CARAVEL measure “Clean High Mobility Corridor in Krakow” the Municipality of Krakow and MPK S.A., the local public transport operator, have installed eight modern systems of voice information about the next public transport stops. In a first test phase the systems will be installed inside new NGT6 trams.

The new system of voice information for passengers, especially announcing the next stops, is based on the present position of the tram, either calculated by using a road module (counting meters travelled) or by using a GPS positioning system.As an aim, in this and other corridors, 25 modern trams will be operating, where stops are announced with courtesy of famous polish actors coming from Krakow. It is foreseen that this solution will improve the trip conditions in public transport, mainly for elderly people, disabled persons and tourists who are not familiar with the public transport stops and routes. The new modern trams with the voice information system installed will have a big influence towards an increasing positive image of public transport in Krakow and therefore have been welcomed and widely disseminated by the local media.



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